Sunday, March 18, 2012

The end of winter for Burma?

In The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, Narnia just begins to show signs of thawing when the children visit. One of the first signs is the visit from Santa Claus. At that point in the story, no one was sure the thaw would continue, but hopes were high that the White Witch would finally be defeated and spring would come!

Similarly, things in Burma are beginning to change...
The people say, "Slowly, slowly things are better here. Slowly, slowly...and things will get better if the April election goes well. Will it be fair? We hope so."

For those who don't know, Burma (or Myanmar) had been ruled by an illegal military junta since the 60's. IT was considered the second most repressive regime in the world. Last year that changed and they supposedly have a democratic government now. The election, though, was rigged so the government party won but even still things are beginning to change for the better. We hope and pray it continues and reaches to all areas of the country!

Here are some pictures from my brief stay in a slowly thawing Yangon...
Bible School graduates

Touring in Yangon.

Buddhist temple.

Local kids!


Friday, March 2, 2012

Why not Pakistan?

When I told people I was going to Pakistan they thought I was crazy, but I figured, why not go to Pakistan...I've never been there! :) that I've been here, I think I win the to go or not to go debate! I had a wonderful time and met some really lovely people. Of course I was mostly careful and I was only in Lahore as well, so not really a dangerous area!
Here is my trip in pictures:

 Fort Lahore--one of the few toursit sites we saw.

 With friends. The national symbol of the freedom of Pakistan is behind us.

 With the kids from one of the villages we visited. Many of them spoke at least a little English.

 A typical street in Lahore in the areas we were visiting.

 Enjoying some great Pakistani food with some friends!

With my Pakistani grandmother! :)

I spent less than a week here--it was too short! Hopefully I'll be able to return and see some more of the country in the future.