Tuesday, November 16, 2010
South African round-up
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My kids...
Sooner or later everyone I meet here asks if I have children. (Unfortunately the question isn't "Are you married?" but "Do you have children?" even from people in the church.) I always explain that actually I have 17 in Canada (nieces, nephews, first cousins of similar ages) and everywhere I go I adopt all the local kids anyways! So, with no further ado, let me introduce just a few of my newest kids!
There are many more, but only so much room. Besides, proud parents always make the mistake of talking about their kids too much, so I think I'll stop before someone accuses me of that!
Thoughts from the mission field
"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9
"So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." 1 Corinthians 3:7Sometimes when I am in the mission field I get quite discouraged because I see no really change happening. No one suddenly comes to know Jesus, there are no great miracles, and sometimes it seems like people are just going through the motions and don’t have any real concept of Jesus. For example, several weeks ago I asked one youth group here who God was—they couldn’t answer. When I tried to clarify by asking if the god of the Hindus or Muslims is the same as our God their faces cleared up and they all emphatically answered, "Yes!" I was very surprised and sharing what the Bible said. However I grew quite discouraged over the next few when I saw no change—except for some youth who didn’t want to attend anymore! At times like this, or at any time even if I'm just teaching the kids like in the picture, I take comfort in the scripture above and pray that God used my insufficient words and actions to sow the seeds that will someday grow into faith.
"And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant." Matthew 20:27Our actions often speak more of Christ than our words and, like anywhere, our actions speak loudly in the mission field. As missionaries and visitors, people in other countries will always want to serve us—and it definitely isn’t wrong to accept this act of service from others. However, Jesus also calls us to be servants and I believe that call should be taken literally. When we are willing to be both served and also to serve in the daily tasks of life, it makes a big impact. I was asked by one person here whether I even knew how to wash dishes. Our resulting conversation helped him see me as an equal rather than someone who thought she was better than those around her. I really feel that helping out in the day-to-day lives of those I visit shows people the servant-heart of Jesus. Therefore, as I help wash the laundry by hand or cut up a freshly-slaughtered cow, I pray not only that I may be able to use that time to speak of Jesus but also that the task itself will shine with His light.
As I close, I ask for your prayers. Please pray that God will use me according to his purpose while I am in South Africa. Please also pray that all the members of the United Lutheran Church continue to grow in their relationship with their Saviour!