Tuesday, November 16, 2010
South African round-up
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My kids...
Sooner or later everyone I meet here asks if I have children. (Unfortunately the question isn't "Are you married?" but "Do you have children?" even from people in the church.) I always explain that actually I have 17 in Canada (nieces, nephews, first cousins of similar ages) and everywhere I go I adopt all the local kids anyways! So, with no further ado, let me introduce just a few of my newest kids!
There are many more, but only so much room. Besides, proud parents always make the mistake of talking about their kids too much, so I think I'll stop before someone accuses me of that!
Thoughts from the mission field
"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9
"So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." 1 Corinthians 3:7Sometimes when I am in the mission field I get quite discouraged because I see no really change happening. No one suddenly comes to know Jesus, there are no great miracles, and sometimes it seems like people are just going through the motions and don’t have any real concept of Jesus. For example, several weeks ago I asked one youth group here who God was—they couldn’t answer. When I tried to clarify by asking if the god of the Hindus or Muslims is the same as our God their faces cleared up and they all emphatically answered, "Yes!" I was very surprised and sharing what the Bible said. However I grew quite discouraged over the next few when I saw no change—except for some youth who didn’t want to attend anymore! At times like this, or at any time even if I'm just teaching the kids like in the picture, I take comfort in the scripture above and pray that God used my insufficient words and actions to sow the seeds that will someday grow into faith.
"And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant." Matthew 20:27Our actions often speak more of Christ than our words and, like anywhere, our actions speak loudly in the mission field. As missionaries and visitors, people in other countries will always want to serve us—and it definitely isn’t wrong to accept this act of service from others. However, Jesus also calls us to be servants and I believe that call should be taken literally. When we are willing to be both served and also to serve in the daily tasks of life, it makes a big impact. I was asked by one person here whether I even knew how to wash dishes. Our resulting conversation helped him see me as an equal rather than someone who thought she was better than those around her. I really feel that helping out in the day-to-day lives of those I visit shows people the servant-heart of Jesus. Therefore, as I help wash the laundry by hand or cut up a freshly-slaughtered cow, I pray not only that I may be able to use that time to speak of Jesus but also that the task itself will shine with His light.
As I close, I ask for your prayers. Please pray that God will use me according to his purpose while I am in South Africa. Please also pray that all the members of the United Lutheran Church continue to grow in their relationship with their Saviour!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Ancestor worship, cursed children, drunken brawls, death threats…
I arrived in the shack settlement known as Ikageng two and a half weeks ago. Close to Ikageng is the village of Lesung. I have been splitting my time between these two areas. The work of the devil is strong here. One of the ancient deceptions the devil is still perpetrating in Africa is the practice of ancestor worship. Many people—many Christians—still believe that their ancestors watch over them and that they must pray to them and honour them with special rituals. It is sad to see people caught up in this deception. They really see no problem in believing in both the Bible and ancestor worship. The devil holds real power over them though. I was told with total conviction by a member of our church that if she didn’t keep her “gods” happy, they would strike her down with a sickness that was not curable by modern medicine…
Now, I can smell the skepticism of many of you all the way from Africa! I know that you might think the whole thing is hokey and just a bunch of superstitious nonsense, but don’t dismiss it so quickly. Read the Bible. It talks frequently of people who were possessed by demons. The spiritual world is real. The sickness I was told does happen. The devil DOES have power on this earth. HOWEVER the powers of darkness might be real, but the power of our Saviour is too—and it is so much greater than the devil’s power. It is so much greater that we do NOT need to be afraid. Jesus has overcome the world. The devils tremble before Him. His name is the cure that the medical doctors don’t have! As followers of Jesus, we need never fear things like the wrath of the ancestors because Jesus has promised us that we need only call on His name—He is greater than any power here on earth!
The unfortunate thing is many people here will not accept that the power they think comes from the ancestors is actually evil. They cannot accept that their ancestors are not listening and watching them. They will not believe that their rituals and prayers are not going to their ancestors but to the devil. So, please pray that they would come to a true knowledge of the Biblical truth: there is one God. All other “gods” are false gods and must not be worshiped. Please also pray that they will be protected by the name of Jesus from the curses that might come on them as they begin to understand and accept the truth. If you feel really convicted to pray for this issue, please email me privately for a list of specific people to pray for.
One small example of this spiritual conflict happened the day after I arrived in Ikageng. That morning I was asked to help look for a missing child. The night before a nine-year-old boy never returned home. Thankfully, he was eventually found. Unfortunately he was extremely traumatized when he was found. He wouldn’t talk, he couldn’t move properly, and part of his hair had been ripped out. The locals who found him agree unanimously on what happened: he was used in some sort of witchcraft ceremony. After he was found, his parents brought him to the doctor. I wish I could report that he has fully recovered, but no one really seems to know what really happened. I don’t have any more details, but God knows all and He will know who you are referring to so please keep him in your prayers.
For many of you who are reading this, the previous paragraphs will be the hardest to accept. The following problems are unfortunately much more universal.
The problems stem from alcohol: a worldwide problem. I personally have never had much of a problem with a glass of wine with dinner or a beer on a hot afternoon. However, I am beginning to rethink this outlook. Alcohol is such a huge problem for so many people that an example of abstinence might be much for helpful than one of temperance. Excessive consumption of alcohol here in Africa is so widespread—it’s really sad. UNfortunalte this is true amongst church-goers as well and many people seem to think the whole thing is a non-issue. Do you want to know how many times I’ve heard, “But I wasn’t drunk! I can easily drink 24 beers in an evening and not be drunk!”
Last weekend was especially spectacular. On Saturday afternoon, I was playing with the kids at one of the houses in Ikageng. Suddenly someone came running over and told me that a friend of mine was drunk and was making passes at some of the girls. Some other guys (also drunk) took exception to this and were now threatening to kill him! I immediately went over to see what was happening and ended up trying to help diffuse a street brawl: one guy had a machete, others had bottles, yet another had an old bicycle wheel… People were yelling at my friend that he’d better run for the safety of a fenced yard while others were trying to pry the machete from the other guy… My friend ran away; others chased him, one guy knocked him down, others broke it up. The whole time my friend kept insisting he wasn’t drunk, there wasn’t a problem, he was innocent and that these guys just suddenly jumped him out of the blue. Other people were trying to tell me to get my friend out of the settlement unless I wanted him to be killed. Still others were showing up to make accusations against my friend and warn him that they still planned to kill him. In the end things diffused in a rather anticlimactic fizzle as everyone stumbled off to bed to sleep off the effects of the beer they had consumed that day. Despite the quiet ending, it was a rather trying day!
The drama continued in a less explosive manner the next day when my friend—despite being sober—refused to leave the area. I spent half the day trying to convince him to leave and was finally convinced to leave him alone because he’d leave the next morning. He didn’t and we actually went in and removed him from Ikageng to Lesung that night because the guys from the day before started threatening him again! Thankfully that issue has finally been resolved. My friend went home. Before he left we were able to talk things through. He apologized for everything and has asked for prayer that he’ll be able to stop drinking and face his problems.
Well, that’s the excitement from here! However, before I close, I feel compelled to add one more paragraph. At this point, I’m sure many of you think that I’m in perpetual danger or at least perpetual excitement. That’s just not true! The above moments have taken up a small amount of my time. The rest of my days have been filled with much more sedate experiences: teaching school, playing with kids, sharing from the Bible, praying for the sick, visiting friends, etc. So, as you finish reading this blog, I do ask for your prayers, but I also ask that you don’t worry! I’m not in danger. I’m not afraid. I’m not about to be cursed or killed in a drunken brawl. I am safe! And I am definitely not ready to get on a plane and fly home—if anything, I’d like to extend my visa and stay a little longer!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
On the road again
I was met by the Bishop and by Mali, a friend from one of the United Lutheran congregations. I didn’t stay in Simunye long, however. Only three days after arriving, however, I was off to the Northwest province to stay in the village of Maskiet for two weeks. I’m writing this now near the end of my time with the people of Maskiet. Here are a few thoughts about my time here.
One of the first things you do when you visit a village in South Africa is to go and greet the chief of the village—especially if you plan to visit the other people. The chief here is pretty laid back and the visit was quite informal. I actually enjoyed the visit immensely! The chief’s wife was quite interesting and we had a good discussion about the Bible.
In terms of my volunteer work with the church, the kids from this congregation have been the highlight! Unfortunately Sunday
I ask for you to pray for me as well. I want to be doing only God’s will and speaking only God’s words. Please pray that God will help me do so throughout my time here!
Note: I refer to pictures, but the connection here isn't good enough to add them at the moment, so the posts will be updated later with photos.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Home again...
We've always wanted to show up at home unexpectedly and we managed to on this trip. Our parents expected us home on Sunday, May 9th, and we showed up on Wednesday night! :) There we were standing on the balcony with all our bags staring through the window...and no one noticed! Okay, it only took them haf a minute or so, but it seemed long!
I am currently at home until I return to South Africa at the end of August. Amanda is home until she goes to Germany at the beginning of June.
Back to Guatemala

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Briefly in the USA
We arrived Boston and were met by Paul and Jayne Somero (thanks again guys!). After arriving we headed straight for New Ipswich, NH--which is where we spent most of our brief stay in the States. We spent the next few days being lazy, catching up on some email (sorry if I haven't gotten to you yet), drinking coffee, and touring around. It was fun! (Clearly I need to remember to take more pictures, though, 'cause I don't have a single one of Paul or Jayne...)
Also, we clearly don't pay much attention to where people are from 'cause we found out that all sorts of people live in this area that we know: Colin and Carolyn Kinnunen, Al and Kathie Traffie, and Ken and Tricia Matson just to name a few... We already knew that John and Colleen Ruotsala were there...and had planned to see them, but pretty much everyone else was a surprise--and, yes, we promise to spend more time there next time we come!
The main reason for detouring through this area was to see John Ruotsala--the administrator of the ALC Foreign Mission and to give him a run down of what we'd been up to in the last 19 months. We did so quickly and even managed to fit time in to participate in a Missions Night held at the Asburnham Church. John, Bruce (John's son), and Colin talked about India and the Philippines. Amanda and I talked about various places we visited.
Next on the agenda was a quick tour of New York City with Colin and Colleen. They both love NYC, so they were great guides! The weather was beautiful! We had a great time eating hot dogs in Central Park, climbing the Empire State Building, staring across the harbour at the Statue of Liberty, and just generally enjoying the city.
The day after touring NYC, we got up early and headed to the airport--we are off to Guatemala.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Chasing three 13-year-olds around Rome

After Ostia Antica, the girls all voted that they'd seen enough ancient sites for awhile and wanted to head to the beach. There is a beach at Ostia, but it was still March and Rome isn't THAT far south. Okay, there was no snow on the ground, but that doesn't necessarily make it warm! The girls, however, still firmly maintain it was warm and even went swimming (or wading anyways...). The rest of us think they're a bit insane, but considering the family they come from, that's probably a good thing! :)

Obviously, there are a lot more stories and a lot more pictures--but they won't all fit here. Check out everyone's facebook for more and ask for more stories next time you see us!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
England and Scotland
We arrived in the UK at the beginning of March and headed out to Benson. RAF Benson is where our cousin, Stewart, is stationed. It's quite close to London and a brilliant base for touring the country. We arrived and did absolutely nothing for several days! As Stew would say, it was ace!! :) Our three weeks in the UK were strictly for the purpose of having a holiday.
It was great to spend time with Stew and Mimi--always a highlight! We did some touring around together, had some barbeques in the yard (a bit early, but heck, we're Canadians!), hung out, cooked food, and chilled. What more could you ask for?
Another highlight was seeing some very good friends from Thailand: Ross and Sonia Wilson and their three girls. They've recently moved back to England from Thailand so we saw them in October 2009 in Thailand and then March 2010 in England. I spent my birthday there with them in Oxford--a very quiet one amazingly enough! Maybe I'm getting old... Nah!!!
Yet another amazing friend from England gave us some contacts for Scotland (thanks Jane) and we visited Edinburgh and then the wild moors near Tongue, Scotland. It was absolutely fantastic. Yet another place I think I need to go back and visit. The moors were stunning--even if it was still the end of winter and nothing was blooming. One day it was so windy that we almost couldn't climb the hills in the moors because the winds blew us over. The news that evening said they were actually gale-force winds. :) Cool!! I've wandered the moors in Scotland through gale-force winds...
Our other preoccupation during our tour of England and Scotland (Stew lent us his car so we bombed about in that) was locating ruined castles, abbeys, manor houses, towers, etc. Especially the free ones--not only for the obvious reason (they were free...) but also because they seemed to have the most character...and the fewest tourists! Our hands-down favoursit was Greenknowe Tower in Scotland! It was brilliant--you could still climb it up until the fourth floor! How cool is that?!
What else? Loads, really! Plinking away with the air rifle in Stew's garden, touring London with Mimi, birthday cards from Becky, Katie and Kezzie Wilson, staying with Fiona and John in Edinburgh, sleeping in the car next to the snowbank, sleeping on the floor and then the radiators at Stansted airport, Oz kebabs... :)
Hmmm... perhaps I really should just write a book...
Until then...onward to Rome!
Schools and orphanages
Our first two weeks were spent in the Liberian Refugee Camp just outside of Accra. It was an interenting experience! Just before we arrived several of the teachers at the Emmanuel Lutheran School left due to the financial difficulties the school is having. Therefore, instead of arriving and helping out with English and Bible classes, we arrived and
Exciting times!
It was a great trip and Ghana is definitely a country that I will be returning to some day (hopefully) soon!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Unexpected Namibia
...what's that? That's never happened to you? Really?! :)
Well...it tends to happen to us somewhat frequently—and it's happened again! Two weeks ago we suddenly found ourselves in Namibia...outside of the capital city of Windhoek...on the YWAM base...
Go figure!
****commercial break**** due to computer problems this next part of the blog is written a month after leaving Namibia.