Some people collect stamps; others collect shoes; I collect names. I've found them to be a very practical collectible: easy to store, easy to clean, and a memorable souvenir from the country I received them in.
I'm pretty fond of change and variety, so name-collecting really is an ideal hobby. It's like having a new accessory for each new country I visit. ("Hmm...what name goes best with this country?") Leona, Leo, Betul, Leyla Hilal, Hoda, Rani, Lena, Wang Shi Na—as long as I remember the right name for the right country I'm okay!
It's a practical hobby too. And you can stop scoffing 'cause I'm serious—with a name in the local language, others have a much better chance of remembering it (especially when they have just given it to me). There is a downside of course; having a new name for each country only works when I remember to answer to it... :)
There are a myriad of other benefits too. And I'd list them all here if I had time, inclination, and could think of any! (Okay, I can think of one—haven't you ever been in a situation when someone wants your name and you'd rather not be rude, but you'd also really rather not give your real name? That's where a local name comes in handy. Of course, many a time I've started out with my local name in those situations and by the time my visit was over I realized I'd judged a bit too hastily and happily handed over both my real name and contact info, so you never know!)
Regardless of the benefits, collecting names is fun. And, when I consider my name collection, the most marvelous thing of all is when I remember that no matter how many names I collect, God will always know who I am and he will never mistake me for another and he has already written my true name in the Lamb's Book of Life.
p.s. Just in case you haven't picked up on it, this inaugural post does explain my blog address... :)